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Friday, October 16, 2009

Back To Square One.

Single Again.

Alone again.

Back to my old girl.

She's always patient, always waiting for me to come back to her.

She comforts me like no other.

She's always there when i'm down.

She's the Best Listener and Friend too but she's not a living thing.

She's my Pink Ipod.

Hello Baby! =)))

Moments like this
10:28 PM

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Never be the same again.

once bitten twice shy.


all come back to me, i need it.

Moments like this
9:28 AM

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

omg there are webs here!

yeah, i know i havent been posting for the longest time.
obviously i'm either really lazy or forgot my password or i was addicted to lesbian porn so didnt have time to blog or most unlikely, i got some other better things to do.

Well, the answer would be the most unlikely one.
A New Hobby has taken over my gaming days.
Deleted every single games i have except microsoft games which i cant delete and if i can, it's too troublesome to find out and stuff.

Anyway, i'm gonna finish army soon but the days aint passing fast enough...it feels like 4 years when it's only 4 months left. Problems everywhere in camp, everyone's wearing mask and be a fren to ya cos they wanna you to help them on something. It's Bullshit. But still it's much better than all the other last camps i've gone to. Still i'm complaining. damn it. nothing's good in camp, all da rules and shit....u got to kill me if u wan me to stay in army for the rest of my life.

oh well, i gonna end here.

think i gonna blog real soon again alright?


Moments like this
9:47 PM

Thursday, February 14, 2008

gone just like that

death is so unreal.

all of this is so unreal.

i cant swollow this down.

i just couldnt accept death.

feeling so lost again.


Moments like this
8:30 AM

Sunday, January 13, 2008

i just cant put it down in words.

it's just seems that songs i listen nowadays reminded me of....well, the past.

this song playing is just one of them.

sometimes, i just got nothing to look forward to.

nothing to hold on to.

nothing else could me feel better except being emo and.

well, i just want you to know that......

i wished i could unwind time.

Moments like this
9:09 AM

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

My Sweet Escape.....Has come to an End.

I Really couldnt believe my MC is going to be over real soon.
It is almost UNREAL.

Oh Well, gotta face the facts.
Every End Is also a New Start.

So....yeah...wish me luck on my new camp although i'm going to STAY IN CAMP till the weekends.

Come to Think of it, i don really mind actually.

No Need to rush to work early(in other words can sleep around one hour more)

No Need afraid of the gate checks in case i bring psp or some illegal stuff like the fucking burned cd which have nice songs instead of the fucking radio with 32897427 adverts.

Can finally spend lesser time on the com? i actually spend literately the whole day on the com during my mc. It's in My Blood now... OMG. I Gonna eat rams for breakfast later.

I can actually do some real socialising instead of talking to people in the game and call that socialising.

And Finally, the most Obvious and Important Reason of All.


on transport
on dinners
on suppers
on going out after my book out
on buying snacks for my late night movie
on buying random stuff to eat.

Basically on filling up my whale-like appetite and on transport.

Less than a year to go.

Hold on Danny!

Just hold on....

Hold on to wad i donno....don ask me, I'll just fuckin fall.

fuck. i need more time with my com before it's gone!
-sign out-

Moments like this
11:48 AM

Sunday, November 04, 2007


This is my Timetable for everyday.

And it just goes on....


omg i cant imagine how i am going back to army la.


This Song So Suits my TimeTable.
Just replace playcom,eat,sleep to slash,dot,dash respectively.



I'm loving Life
She's my Gf.


where are u.
where am i.

Moments like this
8:28 AM

theGrumpyToast, Dan

      this Grumpy Toast is very grumpy. Beware, this toast bites.

      im Danny
      and yes, I REALLY BITE.

Thank you

♥ Past rawr-ing